art collections

Art Collections


2020~2029年   50公分以下   銅   

NT / 13800 元


作品名稱 / 仰望高山
年 代 / 2024
尺 寸 / 高16.7cm×寬4.1cm×深4.8cm
材 質 / 銅 (限量100件)
附 贈 / 專屬木盒、提袋、保證卡


【仰望高山】是2023年張敬大師86高齡的代表作,簡潔的構圖及俐落的刀法充分展現作者近 40年的創作功力與對大自然的敬畏。
作品主要傳達:當我們矗立在大自然中,仰望高山天際時,人類是多麼的渺小,應時時保持 一顆謙卑善良的心,貢獻己力、行公義之事。
張敬大師以誠敬的心,刻劃出巍峨高聳的大自然景觀,與其中的小人物形成強烈對比,藉此 傳達內心對造物主的敬虔與尊崇,可說是一件令人讚嘆的震撼之作。
“LOOKING UP AT THE MOUNTAINS” is a masterpiece created by Mr. Chang when he was 86.
The clean and decisive lines and structure fully expressed 40 years of masterful craftsmanship andrespect to the mother nature.
This masterpiece delivers how insignificant beings we humans are when we stand alone in nature and look up to the tall mountains and skyline.
We should keep a humble and kind heart and devote ourselves to the right things.
With a sincere heart, Mr. Chang crafts the lofty scene of nature contrasting his portrayal of people from daily life.
This grand piece, which is a stunning work, conveys his deepest devoutness to the Creator of all.

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